Stability Analysis for Continuous Control-Set Model Predictive Control in Power-Electronic Converters

Date: 07/11/2024
Time: 10:00 am
Presenter: Alejandro Garces-Ruiz
Abstract: Model-predictive control (MPC) has become popular due to its advantages in terms of performance and its capability to introduce constraints e_ortlessly. Two main approaches exist for MPC in power electronic applications, namely: finite-control-setMPC (FCS-MPC) and continuous-control-set MPC (CCS-MPC). In the former, the control signals act directly on the switching states, while in the latter, the control signals are sent to a pulse-width modulator. In particular, CCS-MPC presents advantages such as constant switching frequency and simple implementation. However, the stability analysis is still an open research question. Stability can be ensured in MPC by imposing long horizons, terminal constraints, or penalization in the final step. This approach is helpful in various industries where the dynamic is slow, e.g., chemical applications. However, power electronics applications use an ad-hoc MPC with short horizons and simplified optimization models that can be implemented in real-time. Therefore, the stability analysis requires being carefully studied. This seminar presents recent results related to stability analysis of CCS-MPC for power electronic applications [1]. In particular, we discuss analytical and experimental results for DC/DC converters [2] in and its extension to AC converters [3].

Please note: This webinar will be held in Spanish.
Alejandro Garces Ruiz
Alejandro Garcés received his bachelor and a master’s degree in electric engineering from the Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, in Pereira, Colombia. After that, he received his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway, where he developed a new control for HVDC integration of offshore wind farms. He is currently an associate professor at the Department of Electric Power Engineering, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira. Dr. Garcés has been a consultant for the Inter-American Development Bank, the Latin-American Organization of Energy, and the Commission of Regulation of Gas and Energy in Colombia. He participated in the study Smart Grids Colombia Vision 2030 that defined the roadmap for implementing smart grids in Colombia. Dr. Garces is a senior member of IEEE and Senior research of the National Research System in Colombia. In addition, he is an associate editor in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics and IET-Renewable Power Generation. He participates in several groups of CIGRE-Colombia, related to microgrids. His current research interests include mathematical optimization and control for power systems applications, dynamics in electric grids, renewable energy, energy storage devices, microgrids, and HVDC transmission. In 2020, he was awarded the Georg Forster Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers from the Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation in Germany to research optimization in active distribution systems with renewable energy.