Young Professionals

Jumpstart Your Career

Career Development, Networking, and Mentoring Resources for YPs

The first few years of student life and the time following graduation can be challenging for young engineers. Employment searches, new jobs, professional growth, career development, and life status changes are common experiences. Going through these challenges can be daunting, but IEEE members never have to go through these experiences alone or uninformed.

PELS brings together budding engineers in the area of power electronics. PELS Students and Young Professionals (YPs) host a variety of events, especially at different IEEE conferences and meetings, geared to helping students and young professional members get connected in the power electronics community. Special access receptions and dinners, mentoring, and other unique growth opportunities are available for the members of the PELS Students and YP program.

young professional conference
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yp webinars
Engage, Network & Learn!

Young Engineers' Webinar Series:

PELS Students and YP offer a webinar series that covers a wide range of topics in power electronics and beyond by experts from industry and academia.

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Formerly Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD), IEEE Young Professionals (YP) was created in 1996 as a membership program to help students transition to young professionals within the larger IEEE community. IEEE Student Members are automatically added to the YP community as they graduate. IEEE YP is a vibrant community of engineers, scientists, and technical experts with member representation across the globe and throughout IEEE Societies.

Get Involved

The following are some of the ways that you can engage with other young professionals in the PELS global network.

Community Resources

Engage with other young professionals


View Upcoming Events for PELS Young Professionals

Get Involved with PELS YPs

Learn about how to get involved and boost your professional growth.

Mentorship Program

Learn about the PELS Mentorship Program