For Your Engineering Success

ECCE 2024 Stimulates With Provocative Plenary and Special Sessions, Presents Latest in Conversion Technologies


Last year, the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Expo (ECCE) 2024, held in Silicon Desert (Phoenix, AZ) USA, 20–24 October, was a vibrant conference with more than 2400 attendees from around the world. Setting new records in attendance and participation, the event was innovative on numerous fronts, including provocative plenary talks by renowned industry and academic world leaders and experts, and special sessions on emerging technologies and industry-oriented topics. In addition, the multifaceted technical program offered educational tutorials, late breaking poster papers, and novel technical sessions on advanced cutting-edge power and energy conversion technologies. In fact, according to ECCE 2024 General Chair Rolando Burgos, the technical program chairs have meticulously revised the scope and the list of major topics for the event to ensure there is a unique blend of scientific and technology development research and innovations; from materials and components to power converters, electrical machines, electrical transportation, controls, and digital systems, all the way to the power grid and future electrical and electronic systems.

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