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Use our PELS Community calendar to find and register for upcoming society-wide events, conferences, and meetings. You can view by list, month, or day, and filter by area of interest. For a complete list of PELS sponsored, co-sponsored, and technically sponsored events, please visit the conference schedule.

PELS Day Events (Region 1-6)

Phoenix Convention Center Phoenix, AZ, United States

Hybrid Events IEEE PELS SBC at Virginia Tech Organizer: Jeet Panchal ( Location: 143 Whittemore Hall, 1185 Perry St, Blacksburg, Va 24060 Event: Challenges and Opportunities in Automotive Power Electronics by Pradeep Shenoy

PELS Day Events (Region 10)

Phoenix Convention Center Phoenix, AZ, United States

Virtual Events PELS SBC at SSN Organizer: Deepti Karthikeyan ( Location: EEE Department, SSN College of Engineering, Kalavakkam Event: Ignite: An Ideathon

PELS Day Events (Region 1-6)

Phoenix Convention Center Phoenix, AZ, United States

In-person Events PELS Connecticut Chapter Organizer: John Noon ( Location: Thomaston, CT Event: Ignite: Ward Leonard Factory Tour and Young Professionals Reception

PELS Day Events (Region 10)

Phoenix Convention Center Phoenix, AZ, United States

In-person Events PELS/IES SBC at RCOEM Organizer: ( Location: Department of Electrical Engineering- Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur-440013 Event: Ignite: EMPOWER-24

Webinar: How to Expand Your Career Opportunities

How to Expand Your Career Opportunities Brought to you by the IEEE TAB Committee on Standards (TCoS), IEEE Women In Engineering (WIE), IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society Chapter Benelux (Belgium, […]