Modeling and Control Technical Achievement Award

IEEE Modeling and Control Technical Achievement Award

About the Award

The IEEE Modeling and Control Technical Achievement Award honors innovators and researchers who have made outstanding and sustained technical contributions to the advancement of power electronics in modeling and control.

Award Prize:

  • An engraved plaque
  • An honorarium of 1,500 USD
  • Reimbursement of up to 1,000 USD towards the recipient’s necessary conference registration, travel, and accommodation costs incurred to attend the award ceremony

Submitting a Nominee

When submitting a nominee, you will be asked to log into your existing IEEE account (or register for a new one) to identify as a nominator. Subsequently, select the IEEE Modeling and Control Technical Achievement Award and enter the required data and documents. 

***Please note: Up to two endorsement letters can be submitted and must contain the endorser’s name, title, contact data, main field of interest, and signature, the nominee’s achievements, the relationship between the endorser and nominee, and the reason why the endorser personally recommends the nominee.***

The portal to submit an application is now open. Please submit your nomination by March 31, 2025.

Award Details

Recognizing Outstanding Achievements

Maryam new
2024 Honoree:

Maryam Saeedifard

for contributions to the modeling and control of multilevel converters

Maryam Saeedifard received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Toronto, in 2008. Since January 2014, she has been with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at Georgia Institute of Technology, where she is currently a professor and holds a Ken Byers professorship position. Prior to joining Georgia Tech, she was an assistant professor at Purdue University. She is the recipient of Roger Webb’s Excellence in Mentorship Award from the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Georgia Tech in 2023, the 8th Nagamori Awards from Nagamori Foundation in 2022, Roger Webb’s Outstanding Mid-Career Faculty Award from the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Georgia Tech in 2021, U.S. Clean Energy Education and Empowerment (C3E) Technology Research & Innovation Award from the Department of Energy in 2021, First Place Prize Paper Award from the IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics in 2023, 2022 and 2021, Best Transactions Paper Award of the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics in 2018 and 2016, IEEE J. David Irwin Early Career Award in 2018, U.S. National Academy of Engineering, Frontiers in Engineering in Education in 2012, U.S. National Academy of Engineering, Frontiers in Engineering in 2011, and IEEE Richard M. Bass Outstanding Young Power Electronic Engineer Award in 2010. She is an IEEE Fellow and is currently serving as a Co-Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics and the director of faculty evaluation and recognition in the School of ECE at Georgia Tech. Her research interests include power electronics and its applications in terrestrial and mobile power systems.

Eligibility Requirements & Criteria

Eligibility: Any active IEEE members are eligible for this award. There are no other restrictions as to affiliation, age, gender, IEEE member grade, or nationality.

Criteria: Judgment of the nominees is based on the following:

  • Benefit to society
  • Enhancement of technology
  • Impact on PELS TC 1 and the profession
  • The quality of the nomination
  • The quality of technical achievement and contribution to the field

Past Recipients

Year Recipient Name
2023 Josep M. Guerrero
2022 Tobias Geyer
2021 No award given
2020 Lennart Harnefors
2019 Alan Mantooth
2018 Charles Sullivan
2017 Yan-Fei Liu
2016 Paolo Mattavelli
2015 Brad Lehman
2014 Seth Sanders
2013 Jian Sun
2012 Dragan Maksimovic


Please send any questions to the PELS Awards Committee.