How to Bring a Distinguished Lecturer Your Chapter
Supporting our local chapters, PELS offers the Distinguished Lecturers Program and the Regional Distinguished Lecturers Program in which worldwide recognized experts in the field can visit a chapter/section to give talks to help promote power electronics in a country.
Below you will find information on how to organize for a distinguished lecturer to visit your chapter.
Requesting a DL Visit
The request for a presentation should be initiated by a PELS Chapter or Student Branch Chapter (SBC) and approved by the Distinguished Lecturer Program Chair, the VP of Membership, and the PELS Treasurer (pending the availability of funds to support such activities). The PELS Chapters may request a particular lecture offered by a DL who has finished a term within the past two years, but the decision to support such interests or engagements shall be made at the discretion of the VP of Membership on a case-by-case basis and contingent on the availability of funds to support such activities.
PELS will support the DL’s work by covering the transportation (economy airfare) expense consistent with the PELS travel reimbursement policy, but the DL should make every effort to keep the cost low when making arrangements. The local PELS Chapter or SBC is to cover the local expenses of the DL (e.g., lodging, food, local transportation) and should make every effort to keep the cost low when making arrangements. Chapters from other IEEE Societies or non-IEEE entities can also request a DL from PELS.
Please download the presentation below that provides an overview of PELS member benefits. This presentation can be shown to lecture attendees.
Information for DLs and DL Organizers: Once a request is approved, the requested DL will have an opportunity to have the presentation recorded and posted to the PELS Resource Center. If long-distance international travel is required, it is recommended that the DL give more than one lecture in the traveled region/country. The DL should acknowledge and publicize the support of PELS during the lecture.
Requesting a RDL Visit
The request for a presentation should be initiated by a PELS Chapter or Student Branch Chapter (SBC) and be approved by the Regional Chair/Country Liaison and VP of Membership (pending the availability of funds to support such activities). The local PELS Chapter or SBC is encouraged to cover the local expenses of the RDL (e.g., lodging, food, local transportation) and should make every effort to keep the cost low when making arrangements.
Information for RDLs: Once a request is approved, the requested RDL will have an opportunity to have the presentation recorded and posted to the PELS Resource Center. The PELS will support the RDL’s volunteer work by covering transportation expenses up to USD 1,000. The RDL should acknowledge and publicize the support of the PELS during the lecture.